Global Athlete PROJECT

「Dundee United」

長らくなかなか報告ができない状態が続いてしまい、皆さんに報告できずにいましたが、報道でもある通り、11月の頭に、スコットランドのScottish PremiershipのDundee United(ダンディーユナイテッド)とすべての面で合意していましたが、英国労働ビザの件でかなり時間がかかり、なかなか皆さんにすっきりした報告ができずにいました。

今ようやくビザの件も見通しがつき、Dundee Unitedと本契約に向けての運びになっていくと思います。










Beginning of November I’ve already agreed all the terms of contract with Dundee United which is playing in Scottish Premiership here in Scotland.

But now finally it seems like everything will go well with UK work permit which has been suffering me long time since then.

The road has been really long and really rough. there was time even I could’nt find out what does it mean to me.

However,what if there might be no meaning,only you are able to make the thing means to be.

and if you’re able to recoganize that you’re not on your own,and see what’s there aroud you,it will mean something more importamt.

it means to me much more than short word appliciation for all your support.

and there is one more thing I would update.
today 3rd december 2015,I became a father for first time.

as I can see farer for UK work permit,I spoke with Maneger and decided to go back to Japan after 4 months since I’ve left in summer.

thank my wife who has been support me since I’ve left Japan and even got over mading the boy birth.

I would like to strongly advance my life with what I’ve got by taking more responsibilities and having more ambitions.
